After a long day in work i decided to go shopping at the nations favourite shop TESCO which to me was a big mistake for two reasons
1: why do old ladies always decide to walk about 3 steps stop in the middle of the aisle and go look for something at the other end of the F*&^%NG shop?
2: why do kids get their own trolley cause all they do is cause trouble for everyone around them
on a positive note the best things about TESCO shopping are as follows
1: if you have 3 items they still ask "do you want help packing"
2: some poor tiny B$£*&"D has to go around the store with a big red sign HAPPY TO HELP with a red tshirt with the same thing in massive white writing on the back and try and get something from the top shelf kills me big time
3: there always seems to be a clean up in aisle 6 for some reason unknown to man