weird and wonderful

some things are worth fighting for welcome to KRAMSWORLD

Thursday, November 23, 2006


After a long day in work i decided to go shopping at the nations favourite shop TESCO which to me was a big mistake for two reasons

1: why do old ladies always decide to walk about 3 steps stop in the middle of the aisle and go look for something at the other end of the F*&^%NG shop?

2: why do kids get their own trolley cause all they do is cause trouble for everyone around them

on a positive note the best things about TESCO shopping are as follows

1: if you have 3 items they still ask "do you want help packing"

2: some poor tiny B$£*&"D has to go around the store with a big red sign HAPPY TO HELP with a red tshirt with the same thing in massive white writing on the back and try and get something from the top shelf kills me big time

3: there always seems to be a clean up in aisle 6 for some reason unknown to man

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Almost 21 and loving it

After a few days of discussing with my wife (vicky) we have finally decided what we are going to do for my birthday.

firstly we are going out the night before for a meal and a few drinks
in the morning she is going to give me my prezzies and then we are going to have a small drink in the house
after that we are going to the inlaws (outlaws) for cake coffee and more prezzies then my brother inlaw and his girlfriend are comming down to give me even more prezzies.
The day after me and the wife are hoping to go to cardiff for the doctor who exhibition which looks amazing
Doctor Who - Exhibition in Cardiff and Museum in Blackpool
go to the cinema dont know what to see yet but there should be something of interest ( i hope)and have a few more drinks and then come home
On the Friday me and the wife are going for a night out in swansea and going to get F*&%%$G ruined.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Update from Vicky

Just a short little update of Mark's funny ways, while watching family fortunes on saturday he had me in hysterics when answerin the folling question ........
Q: Name a yellow fruit
Mark: LIME!........ oh no thats green'


After a long hard day of keying away doing nothing yesterday the titmister developed a master plan to get away from keying loads of docs that i offered to help do something new today (casework) anyway just as i sat down i realised that i was next to the leightster (tequila man) and we had a good chat about computer games and stuff and i only realised how f&*$king cool lego star wars really is. So after sorting out a few cases donna kept saying GOOD BOY as i got each case sorted and dealt with much to the leightsters amusement i am now markus GOOD BOY titmister and then the sparrow of our team (martin) had a photo of his puppys father which made donna verry happy watching a video of Butch run around the streets of the rugby club.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Monday, November 06, 2006

what a wild weekend we had

As i promised heres the lowdown from friday night and what a night i was i met martin leighton leon genna hayley and andrew in monkey bar where we had a great laugh a few pints and a lovely cigar. then it was off to the bank statement for a quick drink little dance and then from there it only got better as we lost ourselves in the dreaded BERMUDA TRIANGLE where my wife and her friend met us we had a few shots and i had some lovely test tubes while leighton was drinking the DEATH TEQUILA which made me laugh then it was off to SA1 where we carried on our drinking dancing and piss taking. leon the legend bought 6 jugs of sex on the beach which were lovely (not for his wallet tho he he) leighton had some and the he was back on the shots. after that it was off to ice bar that is when it got hilarious as leighton started speaking to his kind of people THE ILLEGALS who only say "spray spray 2 pound" and i was pissing myself laughing as leighton was there for a good 10 minutes. after that we went to chigaco rock where nobody gets to sit down because the music is old school stuff and everybody must dance that is where my wife was talking to the DJ 5 minutes later he gave her a bottle of champers which was really nice.

dont ask me how much i had to drink as i cant remember and i dont want to remember as i had the best time ever and i want to keep it that way

Thursday, November 02, 2006

hip hip hoorahhhhh

Friday is almost upon us and i cant f*****ng wait i went out shopping tonight and got boot polish new razor and a couple of shirts which one i wear i still dont know but they both look the business. Me leighton and martin have decided to make our friday night in Swansea unplanned and unpredicatble as it will be one the best nights in a long time even the wife and her best friend have decided to join us it should be a great laugh.
Unfortunatly we WONT be in fancy dress as it seems there wasnt enough time to sort out the clothes and outfits :-(
i was hoping to dress like the doctor and try get leighton to dress as rose and martin to dress as K9 but it wasnt happening much to my dismay
i hope that i can remember something from our experince to share with you all on saturday as unfortunatly i will not be updating this blog tomorrow sorry to all you fans of this blog it is something which has to be done.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

surfin the net

after a long boring day in work 'cause l8 had half day the git i bought the radio times and was tying to discuss this sundays episode of torchwood i came home and decided to look for some cool stuff on the net and i happened to come across this video which made me piss my pants big time.

for your enjoyment here it is:

Mating pitbulls - Sickening display of inconsiderate behaviour - on Bore Me

This is something from work i never knew exsisted

DVLA alert - Dangerous drivers identified - on Bore Me

if you have ever seen lord of the rings check this out its brilliant

YouTube - How The Lord Of The Rings should have ended

i have to add my fav doctor who vid if it makes you cry dont worry your not alone honest i know i did

YouTube - Doctor Who-Goodbye My Lover

thanks for lookin

mark (kram)